четверг, 18 ноября 2021 г.

Finding references (books, articles) related to article topic and make a list, at least 10 of them

 Dear my readers, in this week there is given an assignment about finding references such as books, journals, articles and also links about my topic for academic writing. My topic is a bit older and mature, for that reason I tried a lot to find references about my title. Actually, I decided to write about "Suggestopedia". As you know in my previous blog, I mentioned about title of my academic writing, I confused a little bit, that's why, I will probably change my title for academic writing ( I do not mean that, I will choose another topic. I just add or take away some words from title). During this week, I did some research about "Suggestopedia" from internet and also from our University's Library. Now I try to explain and clarify those references with you in below:

1. Lozanov, Georgi. Suggestology and Suggestopedy. http://lozanov.hit.bg/ 4/30/2006 

2. ^ unesdoc.unesco.orghttps://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000030087?posInSet=1&queryId=97c00842-1872-42c6-be70-3f81470da00a. Retrieved 2020-12-20. Missing or empty |title= (help)

3. ^ Jump up to:a b unesdoc.unesco.orghttps://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000043398?posInSet=2&queryId=97c00842-1872-42c6-be70-3f81470da00a. Retrieved 2020-12-20. Missing or empty |title= (help)

4. ^ Negrete, Paulo Sergio (2015). Suggestopedia/Neuropedia – Theory and Practical Application in TEFL Courses. Brazil. pp. 20–25.

5. ^ "Teachers". LITTA. Retrieved 2021-01-24.

6. ^ "LITTA - Original Suggestopedic Language Teaching". LITTA. Retrieved 2021-01-24.

7. ^ Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd Edition. Person Education

 Limited, 2001

8. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Lozanov, Georgi. Suggestopaedia - Desuggestive Teaching Communicative Method on the Level of the Hidden Reserves of the Human Mind. http://dr-lozanov.dir.bg/book/start_book.htm4/30/2006

9. ^ Richards, J.C. and Rodgers, T.S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

10. ^ Baur, R.S. (1984). Die Psychopädische Variante der Suggestopädie (Psychopädie). In Bauer, H.L. (Ed.), Unterrichtspraxis und theoretische Fundierung in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (pp. 291-326 ). München: Goethe-Institut.

11. ^ Lukesch, H. (2000): Lernen ohne Anstrengung? Der Sirenengesang der geheimen Verführer. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie/German Journal of Educational Psychology, 14, 59-62.

12. ^ Jump up to:a b c Felix, Uschi (1989). An Investigation of the Effects of Music, Relaxation and Suggestion in Second Language Acquisition in Schools (PhD thesis). Flinders University, Adelaide. pp. Chapter 2.7. Retrieved January 12, 2012.

13. ^ Lozanov, Georgi (2009). Suggestopedia -- Reservopedia: Theory and Practice of the Liberating-stimulating Pedagogy on the Level of the Hidden Reserves of the Human Mind. ISBN 9789540729367.

These are all links which I found informations about "Suggestopedia". Subsequently, I want to tell and show books and some articles those I found about my topic. 

This book is "Suggestology and Suggestopedia. - Theory and Practice"(Dr. G.Lozanov, Bulgaria) 
Published: Paris, November 1978
Original: English
It was also presented by the Bulgarian National Commission for UNESCO and the Bulgarian Ministry of People Education
This article is : "Effect of Suggestopedia method on teaching vocabulary to primary school pupils"
Published: October 2018
Author: Alhaji Malah Galti, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
This article is: "The method suggestopedia: key features and effects on language learning"
Author: Bahodirova Gulnoz Kamalovna - Teacher, Department of Pedagogy and Pschology, Uzbek State World Language University, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
This is an Introductory Guide to Suggestopedia;
Assoc. Prof.Dr. Galya Mateva
Project Team of Technical Training Bulgaria, 2018 Sofia

These are all references and researches about my academic writing. I hope that it will be prosperous.

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