воскресенье, 19 декабря 2021 г.

Post-Event Summary Report

Name of event: "The use of ICT in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning"

Date of event: December 13, 2021

Location of event: National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek ( + online)

Number of attendee: Approximately 150 members

Organizers: National University of Uzbekistan; Universitas Muhammmadiyah Purworkerto

Keynote speaker:  Rima Olimjonovna PhD; Shelia Anjarani M.Pd; Mr.Furqon - moderator and master of ceremony

ICT is considered to be one of the most important basic building block of a society. It is a need for every aspect of our life, and education is not an exception. The foreign English learners are using ICT to get more access to the information in all around the world.  However, ICT’s are essential tools in many educational institutions. The use of ICT increases the scope of teaching-learning process.  It  provides  with  new  learning  material. During this online webinar organizers and speakers were well-planned and indefectible, they mentioned about every detail of ICT Teaching and Learning, in the end of the webinar participants got useful responses to their questions. The purpose of the present various presentations is to highlight the positive effects of ICT in order to keep up with the modernized communities in the current digital world. To meet this end, some advantages, importance, and need of ICT in foreign language learning and teaching had presented. Therefore, it is affirmed that using ICT in foreign language teaching will have positive effects on both the teachers and learners to help them in following up the modernized world which is full of new demands of technology.

Initial part of conference had begun with Rima Olimjonovna, PhD, from National University of Uzbekistan. The first speaker talked about different pros of ICT and showed her own Presentation to all participants. She said that, first need to know what the concept of ICT is. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. Some people think that IT and ICT are the same, but it is not correct where ICT is broader than IT.  ICT covers all technologies that help people to communicate and  manipulate information.  ICT is  a universal  tool  for  globalization.  Students of  developed  countries  can’t imagine their life without ICT. It also works as an assistant for teachers in all around the world. In the middle part of her speech, she talked about several softwares which she uses to her students, such as, blogspot.com; padlet.com. She also did an small experiment with student who are participating from Indonesia, they learnt how to use padlet.com and they shared their names, occupations, addresses in social media and even their pictures.

Second part continued with perfect speech of Shelia Anjarani from Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworkerto. Her plan about reflecting our technology integration in ELT, story from the online class and technology or pedagogy. But, for all attendees attracted by  English language proficiency between Asian countries, because Singapore witnessed first place in this rate, Shelia also mentioned about Uzbekistan and it accounted for 447, unfortunately. Shelia Anjarani also did an experiment with student who were in this webinar, they used one online site named menti.com and participants described online teaching and learning with one word, it seemed so easy and interesting for all of them. Second speaker said that the internet saves our time and energy. We can learn English lessons through internet without the need of travelling and without the need of leaving home or bedroom. With internet students can learn English anywhere at any time and whenever they want. The internet offers instant feedback to the learners which enhance the learning experience of the students. 

By the way, discussion part was little bit controversial. Because both of speakers were asked different confusing questions from different students who were uzbek, indonesian and even russian. Nilufar Baxodirova from National University of Uzbekistan asked question - " Is it ok, if people continue use the technologies? What I mean by this, if education system uses remote learning and teaching, they will come across various troubles related to internet, wi-fi connections or some problems with electric-powering." This question was to Shelia Anjarani, and she answered very clearly - it depends on country, because, government should prepare or do perfect system in order to use remote learning and teaching, because it is also easy to study online in foreign universties and participate in online conferences. 

The use of ICTs in English Language learning and teaching is an area not yet fully explored. Both learners and teachers have a lot to gain by their use as well as to offer.

Technology. Some people think that IT and ICT are the same, but it is not correct where ICT is
broader than IT. ICT covers all technologies that help people to communicate and manipulate
information. ICT is a universal tool for lobalization. Students of developed countries can’t

ICT in order to keep up with the modernized communities in the current digital world. To meet
this end, some advantages, importance, and need of ICT in foreign language learning and teaching
will be presented. Therefore, it is affirmed that using ICT in foreign language teaching will have
positive effects on both the teachers and learners to help them in following up the modernized
world which is full of new demands of technology.
ICT is considered to be one of the most important basic building block of a society. It is a need for
every aspect of our life, and education is not an exception. The foreign English learners are using
ICT to get more access to the information in all around the world. However, ICT’s are essential
tools in many educational institutions. The use of ICT increases the scope of teaching-learning
process. It provides with new learning material.
ICT is considered to be one of the most important basic building block of a society. It is a need for
every aspect of our life, and education is not an exception. The foreign English learners are using
ICT to get more access to the information in all around the world. However, ICT’s are essential
tools in many educational institutions. The use of ICT increases the scope of teaching-learning
process. It provides with new learning material.

четверг, 16 декабря 2021 г.

Impression about Webinar

Nilufar Baxodirova

20-21-22 Yakkatut Street

Chilanzar District, 100117

I have recently become aware of the conference about “The use of ICT in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning” which Rima Olimjonovna PhD from National University of Uzbekistan, Mr. Furqon moderator and master of ceremony and Shelia Anjarani, M.Pd(Magister Pendidikan- Master of Education.) from Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto organized in December 13, 2021. Location also was available to every participant of this software. For example, I am and my groupmates were together while we were taking part of this online program.  I am very lucky and delighted with attending in this special event - International Conference.

I am a sophomore student at the National University of Uzbekistan, and I really feel that my attendance to this event helped me progress and reach my knowledge what related to my future goals. I have learned almost everything there is to know from books and videos, but I think attending this conference was service to me to the next level.

From initial part of conference, our lecturer Rima Olimjonovna PhD did an aesthetic speech with her ppt presentation which was easy on the eye. She mentioned about ICT strategies which she used to when she taught us with those strategies, such as, blogspot.com; padlet.com and etc.

Next part about Shelia Anjarani, M.Pd,( Magister Pendidikan- Master of Education.) she also introduced about her experiences and methods which she uses all time. I was attracted with one fact about efficiency of English between various countries. She said that Singapore is the first place in this rate, and Uzbekistan unfortunately is in 447 place in this rate. But, I hope that we will improve and teach English Language to the Uzbek population.

I know that there is nothing else that would help me in my career more than seat the these kinds of conferences.

пятница, 3 декабря 2021 г.



It is broadly acknowledged that one of the key issues in youthparticularly maybe within the west, is the seek for person personalitywhich this look gives the key challenge for this age gather. Character has got to be manufactured among classmates and companions; peer endorsement may be significantly more vital for the understudy than the consideration of the instructor which, for more youthful children, is so crucial.

 As we should see in chapter 9a there are number of reasons why understudies and adolescent understudies in specific - may be troublesome in lessonSeparated from the require for self-system and peer endorsement they may incite from being troublesome, there are other variables as well, such as the room they feel - not to say issues they bring into lesson from exterior school. Be that as it maywhereas it is genuine that teenagers can cause teach issues, it is as a rule the case that they would be much more joyful on the off chance that such issues did not exist. they may thrust instructors to the constrain, but they are much more joyful in case that challenge is met, on the off chance that the educator really manages to control them, and in the event that typically worn out a strong and valuable way so that he or she “Helps rather than shouts” (Harmer 1998:2)

Be that as it may, we ought to not gotten to be as well engrossed with the issue of troublesome conduct, for whereas we all keep in mind unsuitable classes, we'll too see back with delight on those bunches and lessons which were fruitfulYoung peoplein case they are engaged, have an awesome capacity to memorize, an incredible potential for creativity, and an enthusiastic commitment to things which intrigued them. There's nearly nothing more energizing than a lesson of included youthful individuals at this age seeking after a learning objective with excitement. Our workin this manner, must be to incite understudy engagement with material which is relevant and involving. At the same time we have to be do what we are able to reinforce our student' self-esteem, and be cognizantcontinuously, of their require for personality.

Herbert Puchta and Michael Schratz see issues with youngsters as coming about, in portion, from "... the teacher's disappointment to construct bridges between what they need and got to educate and their students' universes of thought and encounter" (1993: 4). They advocate connecting dialect instructing distant more closely to the students' regular interface through, in specific, the utilize of "humanistic" instructing (see Chapter 6, A7). Students must be empowered to reply to writings and circumstances with their possess considerations and involvementinstead of fair by answering questions and doing theoretical learning exercises. We must provide them errands which they are able to do, instead of hazard mortifying them.

We have come a few way from the instructing of youthful children. Able to inquire young people to address learning issues straightforwardly in a way that more youthful learners might not appreciate. We are ready to talk about unique issues with them. without a doubt portion of our work is to incite mental movement by helping them to be mindful of differentiating thoughts and ideas which they can resolve for themselves - in spite of the fact that still with our direction. As we might see in Chapters 5 and 11, there are numerous ways of examining dialect, most of which are suitable for young people.

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