пятница, 7 января 2022 г.

Why we should write diary or daily journal by Benjamin Hardy, PhD

 "The reason you want to get out of your day-to-day routine and environment is so you can step out of the trees and see the forest. You need some fresh air. You need to breath and reset — just like fasting for your body — from the constant stress of going."

"You want to put yourself into a peak-state before you start writing. Naturally, being out of your regular environment will trigger positive emotions, especially if you know you’re going to spend the next few hours diving deep into learning, recovery, planning, and visualization."

"The mainstream belief, which stops so many people from developing meditative habits, is that meditation is about stopping your mind from thinking."

"This isn’t what meditation is for. Meditation is for getting clear on what you want, and ultimately, about living a better life. Meditation can take on many forms. As can prayer. To me, both go hand-in-hand. And giving yourself some time to pray and meditate just before you write in your journal puts you in an elevated mental state to write from."

"You want to write from a position of confidence, resolve, hope and expectation. This mental context will determine the quality and depth of the ideas and emotions you experience while you write."

"To quote Charles Haanel, considered to be the father of modern self-improvement: “Remember that no matter what the difficulty is, no matter where it is, no matter who is affected, you have no patient but yourself; you have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth which you desire to see manifest.”"

"For example, getting a college degree so you can get a great job is a means goal. But what is the end? The end is what really matters, and you can save a lot of trouble by beginning and continuing with the end in mind. You can avoid pursuing goals that are societal expectations."

"Every week, it’s important to reflect on your previous week, and to make better plans for the following week."

"During this recovery session, it’s key to not browse the internet, social media or email. It’s good to have your phone with you, but only to act upon insights you get while writing in your journal, while listening/reading a book, or while pondering/reflecting."

During my winter holiday and beginning of the new year I decided to build my own small atmosphere and little beautiful word. What exactly say within these my words, I want to begin writing small articles, motivational statements for people who does not have any willing to live anymore or who does not have self-confidence and hope before doing something, or there are some people who wants to achieve big goals but, they do not how to start this. For that reason, try not to miss my little advices in this site and my social web-pages.



Думаю, тебе понравится эта история: " Begin Your New Year With Positive Thoughts " от nilufarbaxodirova на Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/296867248?utm_source=android&utm_medium=org.telegram.messenger&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=nilufarbaxodirova&wp_originator=%2BfT2ZSmUnMYf%2Fy2GLEIwGRyphE6rOOc5bKJbrt3MW%2BivI3S4dHrkALxnLhqc2feTeqAQ8NE7CJcYoFQTFuAxEhSdGLOf48RBgF7GoO5o%2FS4nnYkiYxWQ5s67V86NRlMX

My @Quora profile https://www.quora.com/profile/Nilufar-Baxodirova-Umedjon-Qizi?ch=18&oid=1633989665&share=ab38a768&srid=hh5T5x&target_type=user

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