среда, 30 марта 2022 г.

Girl who lives in the village


My name is Mary Katherine Blackwood. I am eighteen years old, and I live with my sister Constance  in Blackwoods Castle. I have often thought that with any luck at all I could have been born a werewolf, because the two middle fingers on both my hands are the same length, but I have had to be content with what I had. I dislike washing long hair, and dogs, and noise. I like my sister Constance, and Richard Plantagenet, and Amanita phalloides, the death-cup mushroom. Everyone else in my family is poisoned and dead.

 The last time I glanced at the library books on the kitchen shelf they were more than five months overdue, and I  wondered whether I would have chosen differently if I had known that these were the last books, the ones which would stand forever on our kitchen shelf. We rarely moved things; the Blackwoods were never much of a family for restlessness and stirring. We dealt with the small surface transient objects, the books and the flowers and the spoons and also butters, but underneath we had always a solid foundation of stable possessions. We always put things back where they belonged. We dusted and swept under tables and chairs and beds and pictures and rugs and lamps, but we left them  where they were; the tortoise-shell toilet set on our mother's dressing table was never off place by so much as a fraction of an inch. Blackwoods had always lived in our house, and kept their things in order; as soon as a new Blackwood wife moved in, a place was found for her belongings, and so our house was built up with layers of Blackwood property weighting it, and keeping it steady against the world. 

 It was on a Friday in late April that I brought the library books into our house. Fridays and Tuesdays were terrible days, because I lost my favourite gold necklace in the village. Someone had to go to the library, and the grocery; Constance never went past her own garden, and Uncle Julian could not. Therefore it was not pride that took me into the village twice a week, or even stubbornness, but only the simple need for books and food. It may have been pride that brought me into Stella's for a cup of coffee before I started home; I told myself it was pride and would not avoid going into Stella's no  matter how much I wanted to be at home, but I knew, too, that Stella would see me pass if I did not go in, and perhaps think I was afraid, and that thought I could not endure. 

to be continued...

суббота, 19 марта 2022 г.

ReWork (Book Review)


ReWork Book Review:

Are you looking into running a company? Or do you own a company? The Rework book is an interesting piece of non-fiction having some unconventional insights for running your business.

The book, written by Jason Fried (one of the founders of basecamp) contains 86 brief chapters of bold, straightforward statements. In this review, I want to show you a small glimpse of the book and discuss a couple of topics Rework talks about. And why it is such a great book!

Most of the ReWork Book chapters talk about how you can run your company as optimal as possible (obviously, according to the authors). And opposite to the long and dreaded texts of most management books, chapters are concise (yes, I had those dreaded books in university too). Moreover, chapters are rooted in practice and not in theory.

Thus, the ReWork book is packed with powerful statements that make you think and also oppose the conventional wisdom. Oddly enough, that feels good! And exactly this style makes it a wonderful book.

But… let’s continue tho this actual ReWork book review. And dive into some of the statements that are made by the book.

Some awesome statements from the ReWork book

Now you may be wondering, what kind of statements are there in ReWork!? And how are they so straightforward? So what are typical statements that can be found in the Rework Book? Let’s pick a few:

Why grow?

A lot of companies want to grow. And a lot of people want to have a company that grows. And companies that grow often get a lot of attention. But growth has a lot of disadvantages, such as inflexibility, bureaucracy and expanding costs. So consider if you really want to grow, or growth is even necessary.


Why grow your company?


Forget about formal education

In many contexts (and in my opinion especially if you’re at those Dutch everyone-sits birthday parties), people find your (academic) certifications and education important. But is it? Many smart people did not follow education, and education also has disadvantages. The use of difficult word examples.

Own your bad news

The old adage of taking responsibility is true. Take responsibility if something goes wrong. Communicate failures, instead of playing political games or blaming others. Own your success and own your failures. In this way, you prevent uncertainty and rumours.

Underdo your competition

In my education, a lot was spoken about first-mover advantage, sustainable competitive advantages and all those amazing marketing management buzz-words. But is overdoing your competition always the best path? Offer more services or better functionalities? The ReWork book contradicts this, posing that it isn’t better to do more, but it is better to do less better.

Meetings are toxic

Personally, I love this statement, as I’m always a bit bored by these endless meetings. There are people who love meetings, and there are those who don’t. Rework argues that meetings can be potentially destructive for the productivity of your company. A lot of meetings take 1 or 2 hours for multiple people, while the agenda items can often be solved much quicker in many occasions.

What ReWork does talk about

There are, of course, many other of such statements. But if I have a company, what global subjects does ReWork talk about? Think of topics such as starting your own company, progressing, productivity, competition, marketing, staff, damage control and culture. By talking about these topics, the book gives a vast array of subjects that are very useful in starting a company.

However, you will not find extensive guides on how to write a business plan or how to deal with finances. It’s something the book has not been written for, but luckily there are many other books on this topic.

“The simplest way to make a great product or service is to make something you want to use.”

The strongest point, in my opinion, is that Reworks makes you rethink. Rethink about many subjects that we take for granted in our business cultures.

The landscape of how businesses act is actually rapidly changing, and this book rides these waves of these developments. This is why I really can recommend this book. However, never forget to apply what you’ve read in a book, something I often forget :).

But, but, does the Rework book have some cons?

So, I am quite happy with this applicable book, but still, there are a few remarks to be made. First, the companies from the authors are mainly internet companies, which make up for some drawbacks of Rework.

While many statements can be applied to any company, many other statements are best to be applied to companies within the digital industry.

In addition, the book mainly consists of small chapters, each making a (bold) statement. This is nice, but sometimes it lacks some depth or build-up because of this structure. In my opinion, sometimes subjects lack the deeper contents that are needed for the actual practice of running a business.

Subsequently, while the book is 273 pages, it feels too short. And that is quite odd with such a number of pages. So if you can’t get enough of this, the authors also have another book called Getting Real. I must, however, note this book is most suitable if you are running a SaaS (Software as a Service) or digital business.

To conclude…

Rework is written in an amazing style and opposed to many theoretical books, it does get to the point. With 86 powerful one-liners (but still substantive one-liners), Jason Fried and his pal David Hansson clearly show how you can view your own company and work differently.

One of the things I really like about the book is the absence of jargon and superfluous text, making it super easy to read. And the ReWork book does this without sacrificing powerful, but mostly practical, insights.

For such obvious, this book is reviewed by other users and online media very well. If you are an entrepreneur or if you have an entrepreneurial drive, this book is definitely recommended. But please take a big note: the book is the most suitable for the digital industry.

So to conclude: what do I think are the major pros of this book?

·         The book is pretty straightforward.

·         It is very easy to read.

·         It contains some very helpful statements for modern companies.

And what are the major cons in my opinion?

·         It could be more substantial and sometimes lacks some depth.

·         It does fit some industries better as others.


So, if you are a business owner, I’d heartily recommend this book.

вторник, 22 февраля 2022 г.

Conference Proposal

Linguistics: How proper use of a language makes a person better in society?

By student Bakhodirova Nilufar

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

E-mail: nilufarbahodirova2002@gmail.com



Languages make humans unique. No other species on Earth has the same ability of communication that humans do. To know a language immerses one within human culture. It provides a way for two very complex beings so share ideas and convey stories.




It is the one crucial instrument for creating the ties without which unified social action is impossible. In other words, language is at the core of humanity. Without it, you would not be able to ask these questions.

Humans acquire language through an inborn knowledge (cf. Chomsky).

This presentation provides about how language is used in traditional ways, limited ways, inefficient ways, many new and creative ways, and in many ways not at all creative, just baneful ways, that’s how to some extent. The same reason for language remains: to communicate. Some expressions and words in the English language and probably others have been abbreviated, for efficiency.They reflect a society’s culture and heritage. All human languages are equally important but some are in danger of extinction because of lack of support from governments. Once a language has been lost, it is very difficult to resurrect it. Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior. In the normal transfer of information through language, we use language to send vital social messages about who we are, where we come from, and who we associate with. Given the social role of language, it stands to reason that one strand of language study should concentrate on the role of language in society.

пятница, 28 января 2022 г.

Cambridge Central Asia Forum (Post-event Summary Report)


Name of event: Intra and extra regionalism in Central Asia: challenges and perspectives 

 Date of event: 28 January, 2022 - 11:00 to 13:00 (GMT+0)

 Location of event: in-person SG2; Contemporary history center, AS Uzbekistan (online)

 Number of attendee: more 50

 Organizer: collaboration with UKRI GCRF COMPASS Project

 Keynote speaker: Professor Rakhimov

 E-mail: mirzonur@yahoo.com

The Cambridge Central Asia Forum held in collaboration with the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge about controversial topic -  Intra and extra Regionalism in Central Asia: Challenges and Perspectives. The seminar was held on online and in-person. Offline seminar attendees participated in SG2, Contemporary history center and online seminar was organised via Zoom Meeting platform in 16:00 p.m with time of Tashkent. 

Seminar opened by Dr. Mirzokhid Rakhimov and he concentrated about Central Asia in historical  perspective of international relations; Regional partnership within Central Asia; Diversity of external regionalism in Central Asia and other issues which will be provided in following statements. Doctor began his speech with notes of Abu Raykhon Beruniy "the history of yesterday is a school of life for us, a clear mirror. We can learn from this, draw conclusions, determine the path to the future". He mentioned about "Great Game" issue, problems of intra regional cooperation, new trends of Central Asia cooperation, Diversity of extra regional initiatives and also main approaches on regionalism. 

Professor Rakhimov continued his speaking SCO in India and Pakistan. He has spoken about books which published between different countries and languages, like, "Insights and Commentaries/ South and Central Asia" edited by Amita Sengupta; Mirzokhid Rakhimov; "Новейшая История Центральная Азии" by Konrad Adenaur Stiftung.

After speech of professor, there was a small questionnaire among speaker and attendees. Participants wanted to know more about the situation of Afganistan, also January events in Kazakhstan and help of the CSTO would influence the CA intra-regional cooperation. Most interesting expression was from Glyn Alban Roberts, he said "What an excellent Central Asian Uzbekistan survey from both a historical and contemporary perspective. I've been twice to Uzbekistan and hope to visit again, maybe in 2022. Thank you very much". 

In the end of the seminar, Doctor closed his speech with one of the Solon's remark "If we want to know where we are going we must know what we want". All members of seminar supported the idea of enlarging academic partnership and joining projects on Central Asia, comparative regional and international studies, analyzing the processes for the correlation and mutual influence of national, regional and global issues.

Wanna give up everything sometimes...


Nilufar Baxodirova

You may know a little bit about me (That's okay, if you don't)

Currently I am sophomore at National University of Uzbekistan. During my post I'll also say about again.

Today (28.02.2021), I wanted to be more than usual. If you ask about myself (not just personal information), not from me exactly, people who know me, such as my friends, groupmates, relatives and others may say like I am so positive (always), (but not true). What I am saying?

Actually, why I am writing this?

Initial steps are always difficult to pass...

That's why I have no any idea to begin with what?

I am confusing.

I am confusing in every situation of my life especially in these days.

I need something new...

I need something new, I don't know what exactly?

Why I am feeling deficiency in every moment?

But, I just wanted to share my feelings today.

For the first time, here, why?

Honestly, I was simple girl when I was studying at school. Then, when I was in high school I prepared to entering University, as others, I got an IELTS (one of my happiest day ever). After that, there was a quarantine, hate those days of my life, even don't want to remember, I 'traveled' at home. But, maybe it helped me, somehow, entered university as a 'grant', in the very first chance. That gave me whole world (can't even imagine). 

University days... friends... places... are unique and priceless ever. Miss them, all of them. 

Consequently, end of my freshman year, started to 'work' as an interpreter (volunteering). Such an amazing moments... (2021 - worthy and bestie year of my life) I'll also share my experiences in my next posts (hope). 

I'm sophomore in university (yeah, already mentioned). Lily began to know about more abroad, being in foreign country, working, studying and etc. (by the way, Lily - it's me) Started to apply scholar/intern/fellowships. But...

But, there is no any good news, yet. 

I don't know why, I wrote about those all. But I tried to begin with some 'little words' about me. 

Let's, I'll do it common.

Like, I'll tell everything one by one. If it's okay?

Maybe, it's not interesting or helpful. 


Should begin smth new on me.

"Just because a person doesn't talk about their problems doesn't mean they don't have any."

воскресенье, 23 января 2022 г.



Baxodirova Nilufar Umedjon qizi


Second-year student at National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Abstract: Suggestopedia, one of the humanistic approaches was created within the 1970s by the Bulgarian teacher Georgi Lozanov. It is based on the thought that individuals, as they get older, inhibit their learning to comply with the social standards, and in arrange to reactivate the capabilities they utilized as children, instructors ought to utilize the control of proposal. This paper presents theoretical components, key highlights and the utilize of this strategy in the classroom. The conclusion is that, despite being a part of bothers, suggestopedia has components that can be utilized effectively to educate talking for youthful learners.

Key words: Utilization of music, unwind understudies, a pseudo-passive state, “Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy”, hypermnesia, mental, instructional, artistic, pecking-order.

Ⅰ. Origin of Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is a strategy created by the Bulgarian teacher and therapist Georgi Lozanov in 1966. This strategy is based on an arrangement of learning suggestions based on the Suggestology. It is said that the strategy of the Suggestopedia quickens learning and a few characteristics of this strategy got to do with the enhancement, the furniture, the organization of the classroom, and the utilize of the music. 

Ⅱ. Techniques of suggestopedia

Through music, the objective is to unwind understudies, deliver cadence to the introduction of etymological substance, and increment their concentration. The teacher or the instructor presents a definitive but normal behavior, instructs linguistic use specifically, too the instructor must be a carrier of the proposal, must have competence in their field, must have an eagerness for the subject, intrigued for understudies, shared regard, humor, pass tests and react prudently in case there were awful comes about. The understudy must display a pseudo-passive state and let the modern dialect include them, understudies must endure and fortify their claim prepare of infantilization, the strategy of Suggestopedia spurs understudies to sit in a circle to perform diverse exercises and in this way be able to see their classmates face to face. Finally, the gather should comprise of twelve understudies which has the same number of ladies as men.

Ⅲ. Faithful views of Suggestopedia

According to “Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy”, the yogis required hypermnesia to be able to protect for future eras a given verbal convention. Among the Brahmins, for case, skilled children were subjected at an early age to an extraordinary kind of preparation that empowered them to create their memory and to memorize the tremendous body of antiquated lessons by heart. Certain yogis had, as their sole occupation, the memorization of sacrosanct compositions so that, indeed on the off chance that all the antiquated books of India were annihilated and as it were one yogi remained lively, he would be able to reestablish the complete writing from memory.[1]

Ⅳ. Recommended environment for suggestopedia

The recommendation is broadly caught on as the basic and in-born capacity of human creatures to be suddenly uncovered to, to be free to choose from and be influenced by various less cognizant and paraconscious jolts whereas connection with the reality. But how can we tackle their control and make judicious utilize of them in a humanistic educational handle? Among diverse signs of the proposal, Lozanov notices specialist and distinction, fringe recognitions, sound and beat, moment plane of communication, other non- particular boosts like motions and pose, facial expression, expression of the eyes, variables of the environment, the state of the desire of the beneficiary, etc.[2]

Remote dialect suggestopedia was tested with and successfully connected in at the Investigate Organized of Suggestology in Sofia headed by Prof. Lozanov within the period 1964- 1985. [3]

Within the handle of suggestopedic learning communication glory is flagged (as uncovered in an examination based on the sees of experienced suggestopedic instructors) by the taking after identity characteristics of the instructor (Mateva, 1997):

  • Well-educated and intelligent
  • Touchy-feely and enthusiastic
  • Tolerant, elegant, and diplomatic
  • Tricky communicator
  • Good-looking and attractive
  • Sensitive and empathetic
  • Creative and emotive
  • A perfect expert in psychology[4]

Ⅴ. Types of suggestopedic signals

The standards are figured out through the resolute solidarity of the three bunches of suggestopedic implies: mental, instructional, and artistic (means of art).

1. The mental implies (psychological) are one viewpoint of the other two bunches, but they too have extra particular importance. To utilize these implies effectively instructors ought to secure preparation comparative to that of doctors-psychotherapeutics. 

Instructors must be commonplace with the various variations of part conscious perceptional and consider forms so that they can utilize them in instructing. The educator ought to be ace of craftsmanship of interfacing the fringe recognitions and the enthusiastic jolt in all-round coordination with the all-inclusive displayed fabric. Hence, the mental implies for watching the solidarity of the three suggestopedic standards make it basic for instructors to be hypothetically and essentially well-trained. Within the preparation of "teaching understudies how to memorize", the instructor must not as it were provide them the particular material, but he must moreover instruct them how to assist themselves in learning it.

2. The instructional (didactic) implies a call for the generalization of the meaning of the codes and the broadening of the methodic units. 

The generalization is brought around on the premise of the most objective laws of the specific subject and one must look for to set up its connection to other schools in five, ten, or more lessons. In this way, one lesson comprises fabric (worked out within the over way) which is given in standard schools in five, ten, or more lessons. The extended methodic unit makes it conceivable to got a common thought of the basic objective laws of all the fabric examined, and the generalization of the codes makes it conceivable to overcome the appearing restriction of short-term memory. This rule requests significance in instructing, the evasion or rehashed works out on subtle elements, and the continuous presence of the unused subjects for ponder. The propensities "pecking order" is dodged, tall inspiration is made and imagination is analeptic.

3. The aesthetic (artistic) implies of suggestopedy present an uncommon kind of literating-and-stimulating pedantic craftsmanship (music, writing, acting, etc.) into the method of educating and learning. 

They are not an illustrative arrangement within the preparation of learning but are built into the substance of the lesson. They advance the suggestopedic mental organization by presenting, on the moment plane, a wealth of harmonized peripheral perceptions. The creative implies are used both to form a wonderful atmosphere during the method of accepting, memorizing, and understanding the central data given within the lesson, and to upgrade the suggestive setup for saves, demeanor, inspiration, and anticipation. Through the creative implies a portion of the fabric is promptly acclimatized. After this, the work of the teacher gets to be simpler and pleasanter.[5]

Ⅵ. Conclusion

From the over talk, a few conclusions can be drawn. The objective of Suggestopedia is to quicken the method of dialect learning. The relationship between the instructor and the understudies in suggestopedic instruction is like guardians and children. The educating-learning handle is "learner-centered". The teacher initiates intuitively with the total bunch of understudies and with people from the beginning of the course. Afterward, the understudies start interacting themselves. One of the basic standards of the strategy is improving the students’ feelings of unwinding and certainty. The understudy mistakes are redressed delicately, with the educator utilizing a delicate voice. Suggestopedia employments four fundamental stages as follows: presentation, dynamic concert, detached concert, and hone. Suggestopedic instruction has positive cognitive, motivational, enthusiastic, and social impacts on the learners.

[1] Galya Mateva (2018). An Introductory Guides to Suggestopedia; Project Team of Technical Training Bulgaria; p7

[2] Galya Mateva (2018). An Introductory Guides to Suggestopedia; Project Team of Technical Training Bulgaria; p26

[3] Galya Mateva (2018). An Introductory Guides to Suggestopedia; Project Team of Technical Training Bulgaria; p27

[4] Galya Mateva (2018). An Introductory Guides to Suggestopedia; Project Team of Technical Training Bulgaria; p30

[5] G.Lozanov, Bulgaria (Paris; November 1978); “Suggestology and Suggestopedia” – Theory and Practice; p33-34-35

пятница, 7 января 2022 г.

Why we should write diary or daily journal by Benjamin Hardy, PhD

 "The reason you want to get out of your day-to-day routine and environment is so you can step out of the trees and see the forest. You need some fresh air. You need to breath and reset — just like fasting for your body — from the constant stress of going."

"You want to put yourself into a peak-state before you start writing. Naturally, being out of your regular environment will trigger positive emotions, especially if you know you’re going to spend the next few hours diving deep into learning, recovery, planning, and visualization."

"The mainstream belief, which stops so many people from developing meditative habits, is that meditation is about stopping your mind from thinking."

"This isn’t what meditation is for. Meditation is for getting clear on what you want, and ultimately, about living a better life. Meditation can take on many forms. As can prayer. To me, both go hand-in-hand. And giving yourself some time to pray and meditate just before you write in your journal puts you in an elevated mental state to write from."

"You want to write from a position of confidence, resolve, hope and expectation. This mental context will determine the quality and depth of the ideas and emotions you experience while you write."

"To quote Charles Haanel, considered to be the father of modern self-improvement: “Remember that no matter what the difficulty is, no matter where it is, no matter who is affected, you have no patient but yourself; you have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth which you desire to see manifest.”"

"For example, getting a college degree so you can get a great job is a means goal. But what is the end? The end is what really matters, and you can save a lot of trouble by beginning and continuing with the end in mind. You can avoid pursuing goals that are societal expectations."

"Every week, it’s important to reflect on your previous week, and to make better plans for the following week."

"During this recovery session, it’s key to not browse the internet, social media or email. It’s good to have your phone with you, but only to act upon insights you get while writing in your journal, while listening/reading a book, or while pondering/reflecting."

During my winter holiday and beginning of the new year I decided to build my own small atmosphere and little beautiful word. What exactly say within these my words, I want to begin writing small articles, motivational statements for people who does not have any willing to live anymore or who does not have self-confidence and hope before doing something, or there are some people who wants to achieve big goals but, they do not how to start this. For that reason, try not to miss my little advices in this site and my social web-pages.



Думаю, тебе понравится эта история: " Begin Your New Year With Positive Thoughts " от nilufarbaxodirova на Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/296867248?utm_source=android&utm_medium=org.telegram.messenger&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=nilufarbaxodirova&wp_originator=%2BfT2ZSmUnMYf%2Fy2GLEIwGRyphE6rOOc5bKJbrt3MW%2BivI3S4dHrkALxnLhqc2feTeqAQ8NE7CJcYoFQTFuAxEhSdGLOf48RBgF7GoO5o%2FS4nnYkiYxWQ5s67V86NRlMX

My @Quora profile https://www.quora.com/profile/Nilufar-Baxodirova-Umedjon-Qizi?ch=18&oid=1633989665&share=ab38a768&srid=hh5T5x&target_type=user

Girl who lives in the village

  My name is Mary Katherine Blackwood. I am eighteen years old, and I live with my sister Constance  in Blackwoods   Castle . I have often t...